
Use and functionality of this website
By using this website you express agreement that such use is at your own risk. Beauty Express Pty Ltd, its staff, employees, agents, providers and suppliers, and Directors and Officers, do not warrant that this site or its content are error-free, including free from interruption howsoever caused (including interruptions to power supply to the site, or to conjunct sites such as payment systems or information links); and they do not warrant in any way regarding outcome of use of this site or any information within it or through it. We provide this site on a basis of suitability and usefulness and accuracy as applies from time to time when accessed by the user.

Limitation of liability
Beauty Express Pty Ltd hereby disclaims, to the full extent of the applicable law, any and all warranties (express or implied) including those going to merchantable quality and fitness for purpose.  We will not be liable for loss or damage caused or arising from use of this site; from products you purchase from this site; or treatments you undertake as a result of using this site.

Any advice (oral or in writing) given by Beauty Express Pty Ltd or its affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, providers, or the like, shall not create a warranty or legal obligation; nor should users rely on any such information or advice.

Beauty Express Pty Ltd expressly reserves the right to change any prices or offers before accepting an order. If we are unable to fulfil your order, you will be offered an alternative or given a refund for the unavailable product. All products are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time.

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